Away’s New Range Of Stay Home Products

Ideas that we’re tracking here at PSFK HQ

6 min readApr 23, 2021

A few of the more progressive ideas that we are bookmarking as we do our research at PSFK and the patterns they seem to be fitting within.

Pulp Friction
In a world dominated by digital and by extension screens, it’s getting increasingly harder to log-off from life these days. When blue blockers become the “it” accessory and people seek out creative solutions to get out of yet another Zoom meeting, you know we’ve collectively crossed a line. Which is one of the reasons the audio space is booming right now, we feel informed and connected, minus the pull of the screen. In terms of garnering attention, print might not be too far behind.

Despite IKEA’s controversial decision to end their run of print catalogs, owing to people’s changing media habits, it appears that the Swedish home goods brand still sees some value in the analog format. In an effort to combat food waste, IKEA Canada and agency Rethink have developed a cookbook, dubbed the “ScrapsBook,” that features 50 recipes on creative ways to repurpose everything from corn husks to banana peels. 300 sustainably printed versions will go to existing loyalty members and everyone else can download a free digital version.

Postmates on the other hand is banking on people’s Covid kitchen fatigue with its “Don’t Cookbook,’’ an imaginative take on recipes that are equal parts entertaining and intentionally unhelpful. Ultimately they’re designed to provide meal inspiration with scannable QR codes at the bottom of every entry that take readers to a relevant ordering page in the Postmates’ app, or lets them install the app if necessary. The initial run of 200 priced at $50 apiece are already sold out but you can get on the waitlist like everyone else.

While mobile phones and ecommerce might have conspired to kill the Sky Mall catalog, the memories of flipping through inanity of the countless monogrammed offerings and assorted fountain features while stuck on the tarmac are still fresh in the minds of many. Seeking to capitalize on some of that goodwill, travel brand Away created its own version of the catalog to market its latest line of accessories. Along with aspirational product shots, the pages include scannable Spotify playlists and other off-to-online elements. While a number of loyal fans will receive print versions, the rest of us languishing in Coach can read it here.

While during the height of the pandemic many were quick to stick a fork in NYC and once again pronounce the death of the city’s culture and general livability, some creators saw the temporary downturn as an opportunity. Enter “Drunken Canal,” a downtown print-only local that falls somewhere between the Village Voice and early-days Vice in terms of its buzzy reputation and cool kid cache. Each 28-page issue features three full-sized ads that certain in-the-know brands are more than happy to pony up for even if they don’t get to choose the content that shows up alongside them.

Markets For Everything
A year into the pandemic, we’re seeing a tale of two economies further take shape. With limited opportunity to spend on meals out, clothes other than sweatpants or even rent (thanks Mom and Dad), we’re seeing many sitting on growing wealth or at the very least, slightly more robust savings accounts. With idle time on their hands and a host of emerging marketplaces, these same people are exploring new ways to spend their money in increasingly questionable ways. And, sellers are minting new assets to meet the demand.

While illicit substances and OG Instagram handles might not be everyone’s cup of tea, getting to the mythical ‘new normal’ certainly is and the Dark Web is more than happy to help us all get there, for the right price. The underground marketplace has seen a 300% increase in Covid-related listings over the past three months. Those looking for a hard-to-find vaccine dose, negative test results or a vaccination card can break out their crypto coins for the privilege. As ever, buyer beware.

Creators of all stripes have been forced to get, well… creative. As the world responds to the pandemic, we find comedians doing sets at the drive-in, celebrities getting paid appearance fees on Cameo, and now, compliments of NewNew, creators can simply let the fans tell them how to direct their time and effort. Billed as the ‘human stock market,’ creators can post polls that fans can respond to if they pay for voting access. The polls can feature everything from mundane (chocolate or vanilla ice cream) to more extreme decisions.

Meanwhile, individuals are spending money previously earmarked for experiences like vacations and other expensive pursuits in new and novel places. Everything from rare Jordans and vintage bourbon to Pokemon and distinctive furnishings are being scooped up by investors as places to not only park but grow their wealth as new asset classes emerge. Tried and true collectors’ markets are skyrocketing, as evidenced by the price of watches driven up on sites like Hodinkee. And, completely new asset classes are emerging like NFTs, with artists like Beeple selling digital artwork for $70 million.

Whether you feel too light to make your fortune in the housing market or are still experiencing the sting from your last investment in a Boca Raton timeshare, there’s no excuse to give-up on real estate for good. You too can join the ranks of hardcore gamers and investors alike who are looking to strike it rich in the realm of video games, where digital plots of land can be bought, sold, leased or even assigned tolls that must be paid by other players who use them. The exchanges typically take place using in-game currencies with values that fluctuate based on the relative popularity of the platform.

What We’ve Been Working On At PSFK
That’s almost a wrap for this edition but if you find you need a framework to help you consider all the ideas that hit your in-box each day, check out the latest round of reports we’ve been adding to the PSFK Research Library (350+ reports). By subscribing to the PSFK Weekly Debrief, our weekly, analysis email at $650 a year, you can receive one of these below for free:

Cultivating Leaders With Progressive Education & Culture
Enhancing Brand Experience In A Hybrid Landscape
Designing Spaces To Promote Safety & Wellbeing
Enhancing Customer Experience Via Seamless Support
New Frontiers Of Healthcare AI
Embracing A Diverse Consumer
Elevating The At-Home Occasion
Modernizing The Streaming Media Landscape

And so onto the next….
The world appears to be slowly opening up as of late and we’re not just talking about Spring. On the streets of NYC we are seeing a lot more activity and sensing a general positivity from all those out and about. While your mileage may vary on how quickly you’re willing to embrace feelings of ‘normalcy’ again, there are a lot more opportunities available for anyone seeking them out. For those of you not yet ready to leave the relative safety and comfort of your couch, perhaps I can interest you in some training courtesy of the CIA, which purportedly gives you the ability to escape the bounds of space and time.

-Scott Lachut
President of Research and Strategy,

Come join our next event

We just announced our next event ‘Omnichannel Journeys.’ During a 2 hour event, we will tour the audience on the omnichannel consumer journey of the future. Along the way, we will hear from pioneering executives at brands and retailers, plus founders of startups and technology vendors fueling innovation in the blended shopper journey.

This fast-paced, well-edited and ‘near-live’ video experience will provide context and implications for our audience of change-makers working in retail, brand and their eco-system partners (Agencies, Consultancies, Tech Firms, etc.)

Click on the link to get your free ticket and to learn more about the marquis talent we have joining the stage.




Written by PSFK

The home of what’s next in Retail and CX. Unlock the freshest intel on fast-moving trends and apply our research to drive your revenue.

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