Cleveron Chief of Sales & Marketing to speak at RIW x PSFK Omnichannel Journeys event on June 3.
Cleveron is a tech company paving the way for an omnichannel future by creating in- and out-of-store parcel pickup solutions and automated self-service kiosks used by retailers all over the world. Their innovative solutions are maximizing efficiency and convenience for brands and customers alike, and are capable of turning a couple square meters into valuable product fulfillment zones (e.g. their Cleveron 401 can hold to 500 items within just a 5.4 m² footprint).
We are so excited to have Edith Väli, the Chief of Sales and Marketing at Cleveron, join our Omnichannel Journeys event on June 3. We are so looking forward to hearing the insights she has gathered from supporting 40 clients and 15 distributors in 36 countries, and to learn about how Cleveron is building a global parcel robot network, saving time for us all.

RSVP to get your free ticket at: retailinnovationweek.com/omnichannel